Once left Petts Wood Station turn right into Queensway.
Then turn into Frankswood Avenue at the end take a slight right.
Then as soon as you see the London loop sign you turn right.
Then go slightly left and follow the signs through Jubilee Country Park.
Once you left the Country Park go straight across the car park and find a footbridge over the railway.
When you are over the footbridge follow the path up to the road.
Cross the road and follow the path up to the next footbridge.
Then walk a short distance before going over another footbridge.
Then turn right onto the path again until you arrive at at a stream and main walking path.
Once there turn left to walk along the main path.
Once you get to the end of the main footpath go along straight onto a minor path.
then go straight across a main path and continue along the minor path.
Continue until you meet a path going across your path turn right and head to the main road.
Cross the road, then turn left and continue for a short distance.
When you arrive at The Drive turn right.
Continue along The Drive until you arrive at a private property then turn right.
Then in a short distance turn left, then walk all the way to the end.
Once at the end of the path turn left and walk forward utill you arrive back at The Drive turn right into it.
Continue along the path untill it takes a sharp left, where you continue straight on.
Then continuing until you arrive beside the A20 then turn left.
Then continue beside the A20 untill you arrive at the roundabout.
Then turn leftt and go through the subway.
Once through the subway head up Chislehurst Road.
Continue past the Bus Station and up until you get to the tennis courts, then turn right.
Then once past the tenis courts turn left.
Then continue along the road a little way then turn right into the field.
Then walk across the playing field, where you see the path at the other end.
Continue along the footpath untill you get to Oxford Road.
Once across Oxford Road follow the path straight on untill you get to a junction.
When at the junction fork to the right.
At the next junction turn left.
Once at the end of the path turn right onto Suffolk Road.
At the end of Suffolk Road, turn left onto Cray Road.
Cross straight over the junction onto Rectory Road.
When the road veres left there should be a pathway for the River Cray which you follow for a long stretch.